Psychological analysis of colonialism

After reading the history of modern India, especially colonial rule, I was surprised how these few British merchants owning a company could capture a big nation called Bharat having so many powerful territorial rulers. Isn’t it surprising?

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Philosophy of Shivlinga (English)

Have you ever thought about why Shivling has been worshiped for thousands of years? What is the importance of worshiping Shivling, does it really represent the vagina and the linga? Today we will try to find answers to some such questions.

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Philosophy of Shivlinga (Hindi)

क्या आपके मन में कभी यह विचार नहीं आया कि शिवलिंग की पूजा हज़ारों वर्षों से क्यों होती आ रही है , शिवलिंग  पूजन का महत्व क्या है , क्या यह सच में योनि और लिंग को दर्शाता है? आज हम ऐसे ही कुछ प्रश्नों के उत्तर ढूंढ़ने का प्रयास करेंगे।

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Physics Quiz – 3

General science questions plays very importnat role in any competative exam, interview and discussion. So here are few questions to enhance your knowledge.

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